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Davenport showroom features propane

Oct 29, 2023

Davenport Energy is nearly synonymous with Chatham, having gotten its start as Chatham Oil Company in 1941 by the late Ben. J. Davenport Sr.

Today, the family-owned company employs 170 people, has offices in eight locations and delivers propane and fuel oil to more than 35,000 residential and commercial customers in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina.

For most folks coming through Chatham, however, Davenport Energy is probably most recognized by its new showroom at 120 S. Main Street, which was completed during the pandemic.

The showroom provides Davenport Energy with an inviting space to display several styles of fireplaces, from stacked stone to ceramic tile, along with cozy seating and soft lighting, giving customers an idea of the warmth — both actual and visual — a propane log system could bring to their home.

Customers can select from a variety of styles of vented and vent free propane logs and fireboxes, and Davenport can assist with setting up the propane system. An individual contractor can then be hired to do the brick or stonework.

The latest on the market is the linear propane log fireplace, which features a wide firebox and is not designed just to radiate heat, but to provide visual warmth and atmosphere, said Alvin Crider, sales and customer service manager for Davenport.

Propane logs come vented or vent free, said Crider.

Vented logs require a chimney and the heat is distributed much like a regular fireplace or woodstove, he said.

Vent free logs do not require a chimney and the heat remains in the room, he said.

Crider said many new homes do not have a chimney, so many customers are adding a vent free fireplace, which can also be free-standing.

Best of all, the logs can be turned on and off remotely.

"You can have the beauty and aesthetics of a fire with just a click," said Tim Davis, Davenport director of marketing and dealer services.

The cost for propane logs, which come in a variety of styles and prices, and they can be installed in new, existing or remodeled homes.

In addition to fireboxes, Davenport offers tankless water heaters and vent free wall heaters.

Tankless water heaters respond to demand, and therefore, only use propane when hot water is needed, said Davis.

The company also sells and delivers propane for whole house heating systems, as well as supplemental heat and generators. Crider can come to the home to provide an estimate on the size of the propane tank needed, and the cost to install the tank and run the lines to the house. Other uses for propane include cooking, school buses and industrial settings.

Since propane tanks need to be refilled, Davenport offers customers an automatic fill option that uses software to monitor usage based on the house size, temperature and other factors from the office, relieving the need to keep an eye on the gauge and remember to order a refill, said Davis.

"The customer doesn't have to worry about it," he said.

Davenport also offers electronic tank gauge monitoring in certain situations.

If a customer with a whole house system is on the automatic fill program and does run out of fuel, Davenport will come out 24/7 to refill the tank, as well as provide a $50 credit, said Davis, adding that the company offers a no run out guarantee. It's rare for a customer to run out of propane, said Davis.

Customers can also do business with Davenport online on the website at

Davenport is currently running a spring and summer specials for new customers and also offers a referral program — $100 for each referral.

Nationwide, about 7-8% of homes are heated with propane, said Crider.

Propane works well in rural areas and places where there is no access to natural gas, said Davis, adding that tobacco farmers use propane for tobacco curing barns.

Davenport's showroom has a history of its own in Chatham, having gotten its start as Motley's Livery and later a Ford dealership. Hixon Design out of Charlotte, North Carolina did the design and architectural drawings and Blair Construction of Gretna did the renovations.

Because it opened during the pandemic, the company did not have an open house, but is planning to do so in the near future, said Davis.

In addition to propane, Davenport delivers branded and unbranded gasoline and diesel fuel to about 275 convenience stores, and is a licensed distributor for ExxonMobil, BP/Amoco, Citgo, Marathon, Valero, 76 and Gulf.

To better reflect is regional footprint, the name was changed from Chatham Oil Company to Davenport, and the company developed its familiar sunburst logo.

Family owned, Davenport is in its third general of leadership, beginning with Ben Sr., followed by Ben Jr. and Lewis E. Wall, current chief executive officer. Wall is the Ben Jr.'s grandson. Hal Thornton Jr. serves as company president.

Throughout its history, Davenport Energy has remained committed to the communities it serves. The company donates to local schools, sports teams, churches, fire departments, chambers of commerce, merchants associations, recreation departments, civic clubs and a variety of other charitable causes.

Davenport Energy is a major sponsor of the annual Pittsylvania County Junior Livestock Show, and, in partnership with ExxonMobil, provides thousands of dollars each year in science and math grants to local schools.

Team members also support local United Way campaigns through payroll deductions, and volunteer time with local fire departments, rescue squads, schools, civic clubs, and other community organizations.

To learn more, call 434-432-0251 or visit on the website at

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